End product
After completing this project, I am happy with how this project has panned out. I believe that I have learned a lot doing this project. For example, I learned how to code locomotion elements for a VR character and how to code random elements for actors to spawn.
I believe a strength of mine is my ability to research methods of solving a problem and applying it to my project. This allowed me to think outside the box to tackle certain tasks, like the shooting gallery where I added an element of randomness to the spawning of the targets.
One weakness I have is my limited knowledge base of coding as I had not done any extensive work in coding at all before starting university. This hindered me as I needed to take extra time to learn the tools available to me instead of just jumping straight into the project.
An opportunity I spotted whilst doing this project was to investigate the different movement options for a VR environment. Starting with a teleport system, I found this to be not very immersive. Therefore, I experimented with the other common VR movement option, smooth locomotion. This project allowed me to learn how each movement system functions and how I can implement the best one for a certain project.
A threat I ran into with this project was not being able to implement the ideas I wanted to due to the lack of knowledge I have in coding. One example of this is with an idea I explored to open the door by physically grabbing the handle. With time, I believe I would be able to figure out how to implement this properly but I did not want to invest that much time into solving one problem when another solution was available and, in my opinion, good enough.
Looking forward, I will be devoting my time to learning all of the skills Unreal has to offer to be able to use all on offer to me to show the most creative and complex solutions to future projects.
First VR project- Ben Jeffreys
More posts
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- Menu systemApr 27, 2023
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- Door rotationApr 14, 2023
- Door buttonApr 14, 2023
- Smooth locomotion pt1Feb 17, 2023
- Task assignmentNov 10, 2022
- ConceptOct 30, 2022